Meet the President of Romega Digital, Travis Benfield! He’s been with us for a few months now deftly steering the ship. But of course, we had to introduce him to the rest of you with our classic cheesy ice breaker questions. How else would you find out details like his love for the Backstreet Boys? Let’s get started!
Where are you based out of?
Rome, GA.
Tell us about your family!
I have a wife of 8 years, Heather, and two kiddos, JP and Claire with another one on the way!
Do you have any pets?
Yes, a boxer named Henry Aaron Benfield (Hank)
Describe yourself in three words.
Christian, outdoorsman, runner
If you could have any superpower, which would you choose and why?
Teleportation so I don’t have to drive or fly anywhere. So much more efficient.
What’s your most referenced movie or TV show quote?
Probably something from The Office or Parks and Rec
What was the first album you ever bought or the first concert you ever attended?
Backstreet Boys – Millennium
What’s a book and/or video game you haven’t been able to put down?
Last of the Breed – Louis L’Amour
What’s your go-to happy hour drink?
Woodford Double Oaked – neat
What’s your Myers-Briggs Type?
We like to have fun here at Romega Digital through these spotlights, but now it’s your turn! We want to get to know you better. Come visit our office or get in touch (especially if you have some big-time dreams for your business)!