
Meet Romega Digital: Jordan Callahan

Meet Jordan, Romega Digital’s Customer Success Manager! We knew we loved her while she was making some great cups of coffee at Swift and Finch, and to add her to our team is the best. There’s no better way to introduce our team than cheesy icebreaker questions. So, get to know Jordan (and find out how Shrek holds a special place in her heart)!

Where are you based out of?

Rome, GA.

Tell us about your family!

I have 5 brothers and my two parents. I also date a sweet boy named Luis Luna.

Describe yourself in three words.

Christian, sushi-lover, plant enthusiast

If you could have any superpower, which would you choose and why?

Fly, definitely. I have a lot of dreams about flying, so it would be nice to actually do it. It would also be nice to expand my horizons.

What’s your most referenced movie or TV show quote?

Twin Peaks, “That’s some damn fine coffee.”

What was the first album you ever bought or the first concert you ever attended?

Taylor Swift – Teardrops On My Guitar

What’s a book and/or video game you haven’t been able to put down?

Shrek 2 on GameCube

What’s your Myers-Briggs Type?


And of course, what’s your go-to happy hour drink?

A strawberry lime margarita or a Corona with lime

We like to have fun here at Romega Digital through these spotlights, but now it’s your turn! We want to get to know you better. Come visit our office or get in touch (especially if you have some big-time dreams for your business)!